Pontelandolfo means "bridge of Landolfo" and refers to a bridge over the L'Alenta River that was defended by the warrior Landolfo from invading Romans. This heroism is remembered and symbolized in the crest of the village and the logo of the Pontelandolfo Community Club that depicts a warrior with a spear standing on a bridge.
Immigrants from Pontelandolfo found their home in America in the Waterbury area throughout the 20th century and maintained their strong native bond by establishing the Pontelandolfo Society in 1930 and the Pontelandolfo Social Club in 1939. In 1965, these two groups merged to form the Pontelandolfo Community Club. The Ponte Women's Club was established here in 1985.
Our facility is situated on 40+ private acres of beautiful manicured grounds that include multiple pavilions that can hold 1000+ people, the Chapel of San Donato, soccer field, indoor heated and cooled bocce courts and a banquet hall that can hold 700 people. Our growth and prosperity has allowed us to serve and assist various community organizations through fund raising activities each year.
The Pontelandolfo Community Club sits on approximately 40+ acres
The story of the massacre that took place at Pontelandolfo and Casalduni:
The Latitude is 41 deg 35 min 13.92 sec and the Longitude is -73 deg 0 min 55.36 sec of the Pontelandolfo Community Club
Presidents past and present
President # 1 Umberto Santopietro
President # 2 Edmondo Santopietro
President # 3 Giovanni Sforza
President # 4 Vittorio Polletta
President # 5 Michelangelo Ciarlo
President # 6 Franco Albini
President # 7 Antonio Rubbo
President # 8 Nicholas Rinaldi
Many immigrants from Pontelandolfo settled in the borough of St. Leonard in Montreal, Canada
Pontelandolfo’s highest altitude is 1,017 meters (Mt. Calvello) and the lowest altitude is 400 meters
You can view a map of Pontelandolfo with street names:
The region of Pontelandolfo is Campania, the Province is Benevento and the Zone is Southern Italy .
Current population statistics of Pontelandolfo are 887 families and 2181 people. (JAN 2017)
The zip code of Pontelandolfo is 82027 and phone prefix is ( +39 ) 0824
The mayor of Pontelandolfo is Gianfranco Rinaldi (MAY 2013 to present)
The patron saint of Pontelandolfo is San Donato which is celebrated in August
Origins and Ancient History of Pontelandolfo:
In April 23, 1987, the tragedy of L’Ambiance Plaza in Bridgeport, CT killed 10 immigrants from Pontelandolfo, Italy
The Latitude is 41 deg 15 min 16.73 sec and the Longitude is 14 deg 14 min 26.64 sec of Pontelandolfo, Italy
Antonio Rubbo was the longest serving president of the Pontelandolfo Community Club at 38 years
The Pontelandolfo Community Club built an exact replica of the fountain with a piazza in 2022
The size of the town of Pontelandolfo and the surrounding country is approximately 28.91 sq. kilometers
Pontelandolfo time is six hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time
The neighborhoods in Pontelandolfo, Italy can be viewed from Google Earth as they exist today:
Click here to visit Google Earth
You can view the weather forecast of Pontelandolfo: